Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All orphanages in Africa are not hopeless . . .

A visit to the New Hope Orphanage

All orphanages in Africa are not hopeless. The Glenns found a way to help this amazing orphanage called New Hope.
The orphanage has 345 children, 325 orphaned by the war and 120 from parents who have died of AIDS. Just 200 of the children are boarding at the orphanage and the rest spend the night with relatives or caregivers.

The problems:
• Classroom walls of bamboo were in need of support and were collapsing.
• Latrines were overflowing into the yard.
• Old brick pig barn with dirt floor was being used for classroom.
• There was not enough food to feed the children.

The Glenns project was very creative.

Through LDS Charities the Glenns arranged for :

• Cement pillars and footings to be built to support the bamboo walls of the classrooms
Cement posts and footings

• The pig barn got a cement floor and the walls were plastered.

pig barn now classrooms

• !0,000 liter water cachement system to catch the abundant rainfall allowing the monies saved from purchasing city water to be used for small animal farming to supplement the food needs.

• New latrines

• Mosquito nets large enough to cover bunk beds to protect the children from malaria and 225 blankets for the children who were boarding at the school.
• Seeds shovels and hoes for veg and herb garden and training of students in gardening and the establishment of a garden to supplement food needs.

• Wood stain for refinishing the desks in the classrooms

All the contracted work was done by returned missionaries giving them income to pay back their PEF loans.


The Orphanage was transformed and the children and staff landscaped the yard so that it looked like a very prosperous community. Elder Holland visited the orphanage and was able to see all the changes that had taken place.

This little girl followed me all over as we toured the orphanage and then wanted to sit on my lap during the program.  All the children looked healthy and well cared for.
The Glenns took us to see the transformation and we were very impressed with the clean compound and the feeling of Hope that was coming from the staff and children. The children sang to the Glenns as a farewell gesture.
We learned a lot from studying this project. It was a great project meeting many needs.


  1. Wow such simple things that lead to incredible changes. Love the pics!

  2. I have to tell you I am a little bit jealous of what you get to do there. Looks like you're in for another amazing adventure. How awesome of you 2 to give your time.
