Monday, March 22, 2010

We've arrived!

Travel to Uganda was long (26 hours) but we had good travel companions with Elder and Sister Nevin who were going to Nairobi to work the employment center and Elder and Sister Andrus who are opening Rwanda to missionary work. They will also run the Humanitarian projects for Rwanda.
We had to go through security 3 times once in Salt Lake, again in Chicago and once again in London. We arrived at the Entebbe airport at 9:30 PM. Only thing we knew about Entebbe was the movie, “Siege at Entebbe” so we had no idea what to expect. Happens they just remodeled the airport and it looked clean and seemed to be well organized. We got through the visa check without any problem and got waved through customs when we told them we were missionaries. There were no police and no soldiers and we wondered if we really were in Africa. It turned out that our airplane was loaded with volunteers coming to Uganda to do good works. One group had brought 4 NFL players to help them build schools and run a health clinic all in 12 days.

We were met by the Pres. and Sis. Christiansen and a driver who whisked us off to the mission home to spend the night. We fell into bed and went right to sleep as we had not been able to sleep on the plane so we were exhausted. The next morning we were picked up by the Glenns the current hum missionaries and after dropping off our luggage we started our tour of projects. No time to rest as the Glenns won't be with us long and we will be on our own.

Our mentors, the Glens, are from Salt Lake City.  She is a special education teacher and he is in malpractice insurance.  They have made a name for them selves in Uganda by planning projects which have resulted in clean water for over 400,000 people.  This is amazing and we have to keep up with that kind of an example?
Today we had a meeting with the Minister of State for Relief and Disaster Prepardness and Refugees, ECWERU MUSA FRANCIS (MP).  This is a very gracious and distinguished man.  The Glenns have worked with him on some relief for refugees in the past . This past year the minister was invited to participate in The Sixteenth Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, "Connecting Communities of Discourse: How the Judiciary, Academia, Government and International Institutions Further the Work of Religious Freedom," 4-6 October 2009, at BYU.  He was well received and was so impressed with BYU he is sending his son there to be educated this next year.
While we were in the area we made a quick visit to the African Craft Market and to a nice MALL.  Yes, I said a mall.  Can't believe that we are going to be living where there is a mall.  It was decorated with African sculptures that were very interesting.

The Glenn leave tomorrow and we will be on our own.  They are leaving some large water projects for us to finish and we realize there is no time to acclimatize we just need to jump in and get to work.  We are ready.  We are about over our jet lag and we didn't fall asleep standing up once today.  Let's go do some good works. 


  1. So glad to see pic of your civilized mission. Now put yourselves in some of those pics so we can see that you are great. :)

    Much love. xoxo

  2. Miss you both so much. We are so excited to follow your new adventures. Keep those posts coming!

  3. Marilyn and Farrell: glad to know you arrived safely. Aunt Marg said she had such a great visit with you and the Merkleys before you left SLC. She couldn't say enough about it. I also enjoyed visit with you both while you visited Mom and Dad. They talk about your visit a lot and I know it meant a ton to them. On another topic.....Doug and I were so excited to read in the Church News that our friends Eric and Kaye Jackson will be serving in the Uganda mission soon. They have been serving as Public Relations people in South Africa. No nicer people will you find anywhere than these two. We have traveled with them through the BYU Center for Entrepreneurship and cherish our time with them. If you cross their paths we know you will enjoy your association with them. Please say "hi" from us. All our prayers and best wishes are being spent on you two as you navigate your way around the preliminaries and get to work doing good once again in Africa. We love you two! Doug and Linda Rich

  4. Glad to hear you made it there safe & sound. also that this seems to be a bit more civilized is a relief so we don't have to worry as much. You guys are going to be great! Looking forward to your adventures :)
