Saturday, April 10, 2010


Yesterday we spent the day in the office (in our apartment) trying to understand the multiple water projects we have going on.  The Glenns, our predecessors created many incredible water projects and we are struggling to get our arms around them - they are so numerous.  It's a matter of knowing where they are, what ones have been done and which are pending, where we are in the finances of each project and on and on. 

Last week we had emailed our vision champion in the DR Congo, Dr Kalangalanga, asking him for a reference to some one in Uganda who would be a good vision contact for us here.  We don't have a vision project approved in Uganda but we are getting ready for next year hoping they would allow us to do one.  Dr. Kalangalanga gave us the name of  Dr Kenneth Kagame who works in Mbarara in the southern part of Uganda.

Last night just before closing up our work we sent an email to Dr. Kagame asking him for an introduction to discuss his vision program and how we might offer support.  Within 30 minutes Dr. Kagame called us and asked if we would meet him at the Kamira Country Club.  He was in town on business and thought we might as well meet now if we were available.  The coincidence of this is that Dr. Kagame was in Kampala and that the place he wanted to meet us was just 10 minutes from our apartment and a place we knew since we had been there for dinner the night before.  We really don't know our way around this city yet but the Kamira we know.  We had a great visit and he had another appointment so we were getting ready to leave .  His appointment arrived and it was the Director of Medical Services and current acting Director General and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr Nathan Kenya Mugisha.  We were introduced and he asked us what we were doing in Uganda.  We quickly explained some of the things we were involved in and then he invited us to submit a resume to his office requesting a meeting regarding our service in Uganda.

Three weeks in the country - two wonderful contacts all in one night after we thought we were done for the day - Coincidence?  The Lord moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.


  1. Perhaps there are eye doctors somewhere praying for you!!

    Dr. H

  2. Great to hear you are making such good contacts right from the start! We love reading what you are up to. Keep up the good work!
