Saturday, May 29, 2010

Good things happening this week!

Good things this week

We had two baptisms in our ward this week. Elder MacMillan and Elder Andika had a baptism. Sister Carline Tausi Mbatudde.was one excited girl to get baptized. She is a delightful 20 year old who said she did what the scriptures told her to do and prayed to know if all she was being told was true and she got a tender witness that the church was indeed true and if she were to be baptized her life would change for the better.  Carliine was baptized by the Bishop Ojambo.

She bore a tender testimony of how much she loved the scriptures and how she felt so complete when she was reading them. Carline’s mother came to the baptism and expressed her happiness for her daughter as she had seen a change in her, a change that is helping her focus on her future.

Elder Amott and Elder Glad have gone a while without a baptism so they were pretty excited to get Sister Joanita Nagayi to accept the gospel.

Sister Joan was very excited about her baptismal day. She stated that she felt so good inside now that she was baptized. She said she has always been a good person and tried to do good but now she felt her potential was greater and she could accomplish anything with the blessings of the gospel.  Joan was baptized by the first counselor in the bishopric, Sam Katumba
Elder Amott held Sis. Nagayi baby during her baptism
Sister Joan had her two sisters with her and both attended Young Women’s class. I had given the girls a challenge to read the Book of Mormon with me as part of their Personal Progress. There were three members in the class and 4 investigators so it was a good thing I brought some Book of Mormons. I gave them a book, a red marking pencil and a tracker to keep track of what they read. Can’t wait till Sunday to see if they did some reading.

Now more news!
Monday we were sitting at the computer thinking about going to bed and an envelope comes flying under the front door. (there is quite a gap all the way around our front door) When we opened it up there were keys to a new car and a note from Elder Rothy, the financial officer of the mission.  He lives across the hall from us.

Dear Elder and Sister Barlow
Enclosed are your keys for your new 2010 Frontier Nissan. Enjoy every mile! – I keep a suppy of wax and scratch remover in the event you have a mishap. Dents are another topic for another day. Enjoy your relaxing mission in style!
Elder Rothy

Farrell thought it was a joke until we looked outside and saw a brand new silver truck sitting in our parking space. What a surprise. We were not due for a new truck until it was time for us to leave the mission. We had complained about our little red truck as it had no pep and had a difficult time climbing hills and negotiating potholes. It is small and the back seat (where I often ride) is very cramped. So we were very surprised to get a new truck.
Farewell red truck . . .
Seems the AP’s had rolled their truck about a month ago and totaled it so they ordered a new truck to replace it but didn’t want to give it to the young elders.
Yesterday Elder Demery (from Chicago) came down from Gulu to pick up his new companion, Elder Chabane (from South Africa). He was told to come pick up the little red truck and take it to Gulu. They were pretty excited when they picked it up. It looks kinda like a muscle car with a roll bar, a hard body top rack and a bull nose on the front. They were happy to pick up little red and leave their clunker behind.
We are riding in style!


  1. Pretty fancy ride you've got there. Now Farrell needs to stay on the correct side of the road- no more one way streets where you might chance ruining this beauty.

  2. E/S Barlow. We are glad to see the "War Wagon" got replaced for you. The missionaries will love it but it never really had the power for "the bush" or steep hills in the rain. You will miss the bull bar in traffic though. You might want one on the new rig!
