Monday, July 26, 2010

Crazy traffic in Kampala!

Driving in Kampala- A test of your metal
Still not as crazy as the Congo but at times very reminiscent.

We got caught downtown Kampala today - what an adventure!
The Bodas (motorcycles) look for any space to crawl through and often take space when there is none - they follow no traffic rules and move where ever they can find space.
About all you could do is sit and watch as traffic was going no where.
There was no where to go as everyone but the Bodas couldn't move but those bodas kept weaving around dragging their handlebars along your truck and stopping with their feet as brakes - Funny to watch actually.
Lots of shopping - lots of Bodas waiting for a customer.  They haul as many people as can fit for a small price.  We have seen a whole family on one and even 4 adults besides the driver.
Farrell got caught in idle and another car jumped right in when he had the nerve not to stay right on the bumper of the car ahead of him.
Some pedestrians will climb right over your car if you stay still too long.
Bodas were going in every direction with no semblance of obeying any traffic laws
Here comes one down the wrong way - doesn't look like it bothers him much.
Pedestrians, pedestrians, pedestrians everywhere!
Now normally Farrell would be asking,

"Where does he think he's going?"

" He can't do that!"

"I got the right-of-way buddy."

But today he just sat back and took in the scene - enjoying the ambiance of downtown Kampala - It was an experience that everyone ought to have once in their lifetime.

What a Ugandan experience!


  1. Aaagghh! Looks worse than L.A. At least there it is organized. That is a lesson in patience. I don't know if I could take it.

  2. I'll have to reflect on your experience whenever I am frustrated with our traffic.

    Maybe this will make the drive around BYU football games seem like a relaxing spa day.
