Sunday, July 4, 2010

Meet Ecweru Musa Francis, MP of Uganda

The first week in Uganda we were taken to Minister Ecweru for an introduction. This Minister has been a great friend to the church and has been a guest speaker at BYU 6th International Law and Religion Symposium in October 2009. He just returned from speaking at The 3rd International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2010, that took place in Davos, Switzerland in May.

His vitae reads:
Ecweru Musa Francis - Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness & Refugees, Uganda - Honorable Minister Ecweru holds a degree in Democracy and Development Studies and a certificate in Human Resource Management as well as a higher diploma in Accountancy. He participated in a number of International Disaster Prevention and Management Seminars and chaired various National Committees on Peace, Disaster Response and Refugee Management. - Minister Ecweru served as a Commander of Arrow Group (an Auxiliary Force) that helped liberate women and children from the LRA rebels in Eastern Uganda. - Besides serving as Minister he is also a member of Parliament.
Now this is an impressive man. He is bigger than life, literally. He is very tall at least 6ft 2 in. and is very gregarious. He can swap war stories or talk tenderly of his mother whom he cares for deeply. He loved Utah when he visited and he thought Brigham Young University was an amazing place. He was given student guides to help him get around campus and he was so touched by their strength and commitment to living a moral life. He was so impressed he is working hard to get his son admitted to BYU this next year. He stated, “I could get my son an education, a good education many places in Africa and Europe and he would come back well educated but morally lacking. He needs to get a good education and return to Uganda ready to serve but he can’t do that without being morally clean and full of strong ethics.”
We introduce you to this man so that you can understand the latest adventure we have had when working with him on an emergency relief project. You are not around him very long before you are pulled in by his magnetism, his genuine friendliness and his quest to help those who are suffering.

Stay tuned for the next adventure.


  1. Farrell, I will tell you what I tell John. I prefer you smiling with teeth :)

  2. Can't wait to hear the stories/adventures you are speaking of. Ecweru Musa Francis seems like a gem.

    I love to hear what people from other lands think of Utah and BYU. I'm glad Ecweru Musa Francis had a good experience here.

    Just in case we don't get to speak to you today, Happy Anniversary!!!!!

    We Love You!
