Sunday, September 12, 2010

A first in the lives of two little boys.. .

Did we say that we are living right on the equator. . . that this is the tropics, the middle of the rainforest . . . that we have exotic birds and flowers and the seasons kind of roll in to one big long beautiful summer . . . well, go figure . . .
It rained torrents of rain with great claps of thunder.  We were working in our office at Kololo Chapel when the sky started falling
When the hail started it was a deafening roar in the church as the hail hit the metal roof.
The lawn was flooded and water was running like a river.
Ssimbwa, "My children have never seen this before."
What do you think Wilson?  The sky is falling!
William, how are your hands?  How long can you hold an iceberg?
First time to see, touch feel and eat snow
Enjoy, it won't last long.
The first in the lives of two little boys.  


  1. I only hope they are old enough to remember it since they may not see it again for quite some time.

  2. Well, we have nothing like that here in Provo, UT. At least not today! Love you guys! Keep up the good work. We only wish that we were serving with you.
