Sunday, September 26, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Got a call yesterday that some old friends would be in town and could we get together for dinner. 

It is like having our own kids coming to Africa to see us.  Pres. Eustache Ilunga  from the DRC and Robert Hokenson from Salt Lake City came to dinner and it was great fun.

Eustache was the mission office manager in the Congo when we were there.  Since then he has a new position of Employment coordinator for the Africa East Area and the same month he accepted this new position they made him Stake President of the Kinshasa Stake. 

Robert Hokenson was over all water projects for the church when we were in the Congo and took a trip with us to that great water project in Luputa.  We will always remember him jogging around the village one evening with about 300 kids following him where ever he went.  Robert is now over Microfinancing for the church (or something like that).  They have come to Uganda with Elder and Sister Byrd to talk to microfinancing groups in Kampala trying to find places to refer members for help in developing businesses.
Eustache was very good to us in the Congo and we love him and his family.  Robert reminds us so much of our son Ben.  He has the same crazy sense of humor and laughs just like Ben.

So you see today was a great treat for us to get to see two very special people who we never want to forget and who have become part of our lives.  --  just like our kids coming to visit.


  1. How nice that you could spend some time with Eustache. He's so great. He went to Burundi with the men in Aug. and Brent enjoyed him so much. Don't you love it when you cross paths with these good people again. We hope that some of them will come to Burundi.

  2. This made me smile. Good to see these two again!

  3. I love reading your blog! Its so interesting and inspiring! I heard that you met me and Erin's friend Zach Christensen- sure makes it a small world! Keep up the amazing work! :)
